Hi. I'm James Burnison.
I'm a full stack web developer. I've been doing web design for about 5 years
now. I started out
developing Android apps. I've since moved away from that to be able to focus on learning web
development. Everything I've done has been self taught using examples I have found online
from all of the great people I have met along this journey. I've finished my Full
Development Course on Coursera in March 2024.
I'm currently learning C++ while I work on a prototype using an ESP32 Arduino board and an E-Paper display.
Certificate for Full Stack Web Developer
Course Certificates CompletedHere's what I can do.
C++ is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. C++ was designed with systems programming and embedded, resource-constrained software and large systems in mind.
Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language.
Django is a free and open-source, Python-based web framework that runs on a web server.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.
The basis of building Web pages and Web Applications.
An essential part of modern front-end web development, providing developers with proven tools for building scalable, interactive web applications.
A free, open-sourced, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that lets developers write command line tools and server-side scripts outside of a browser.
Android is where I first started coding. I've only recently started learning Kotlin for parts of an Android app of mine.
Recent Projects

Ryan Robinson for Sheriff
A website to promote Ryan Robinson to be elected as Sheriff of Tuscola County.

A tool built for the mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes to assist alliances in managing their guilds.

Galactic-Hub Android app
Similiar to my galactic-hub.com website. I'm still working to bring all my tools from the website to this Android app.

A web app to assist you in organizing your bills to help you pay them on time.
Galactic-Hub Discord Bot
This is my Discord Bot. Primarily for Alliances. It allows you to add guilds to your alliance, create and edit descriptions, keep track of openings, view when players were last active and more!
ORV TrailMate
An Android app with all the ORV trails in MI. It shows your location on the map. Map locations are downloadable for offline use.
Alvena Burnison
The life of Alvena Burnison expressed through a slideshow revealing some historical facts of her long life. The gallery page allows you to view each slide separately with its text.